Welcome to Dust Homes – Smart Property Portal

Effortless Home Management, Elevated Living

Your first property is FREE but; Do you own more than 1 property? If you do Click Here to Learn More.

Woman Sitting at the Desk with Receipts

Are you tired of searching for scattered documents, struggling to find crucial information about your property?

Look no further. Dust Homes’ Smart Property Portal is here to revolutionize the way you manage and safeguard your home.

With our revolutionary Smart Service Box

you can turn this nightmare into a preventable scenario

Here are some Key Features:


Comprehensive Property Records:

Easily record and access critical details such as flooring codes, paint color schemes, and a detailed history of all the work done on your property.


Transferable Treasure Trove:

Our portal is not just a feature; it’s a valuable asset for your home. When you decide to sell, the new homeowner seamlessly inherits this wealth of information, making the transition efficient.


Expert Connections Hub

Connect directly with our partnered experts for repairs, remodeling, or expert advice. No middlemen involved.

Person Using Macbook


Easily Organize Your Properties Files

Experts submit invoices, pictures, tech notes, and materials directly to you, so you can easily transfer it to your portal, keeping everything organized and easily accessible.


Check Engine Notifications!

But that’s not all! Stay up to date with our Dust Homes’ Check Engine notifications. Receive timely reminders about recurring maintenance activities around your house. It’s like having a personal assistant for a healthy home.

Your first property is FREE but; Do you own more than 1 property? If you do Click Here to Learn More.